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The Bilton Parish Council is made up of thirteen elected Councillors, whose duty is to administer the running of the Village.  It is vitally important role and one which is not taken lightly.  Currently the Council has vacancies and if anyone is interested or wanting further information please contact the Parish Clerk.


Councillors must attend meetings, be prepared to make decisions and vote on difficult issues concerning the Community and must adhere to the Code of Conduct.  Councillors play a representative role in community leadership and liaison and act in the interest of the Community.
The Council is responsible for service delivery, setting the budget and precept and is accountable to the electorate of the Community it serves.

Parish Clerk

The Clerk is appointed and is accountable to the Council as a body, prepares agendas and takes Minutes of meetings, acts on the decisions of the Council, and manages the affairs, ensuring the smooth, efficient, lawful running of the Council business.  The Clerk is also the Responsible Finance Officer ensuring payment of invoices and collection of fees due and is responsible for preparation of the year end accounts for Audit.

To contact the Parish Clerk please telephone 01482 811234. The clerk is currentlyand is Mr Stephen Dale.  The Office hours are:

Monday 1pm to 5pm,  Wednesday 1pm to 5pm and Thursday 9am to 1pm


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